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Gram Envosolution - Softening Plant

Water Softening Plant

Water softening systems reduce the hardness of water by replacing the hardness minerals – calcium and magnesium ions which can be regenerated with sodium salt or potassium salt. Hard water creates unsightly scale on water fixtures; coats water heating elements causing power loss and increased electricity consumption. Wastes soap by reducing its lathering ability, and it leaves a residue on your skin and hair.

GRAM offers a wide range of softening plants

  • Industrial water Softeners
  • Commercial Water Softeners
  • Magnetic Water Softeners & Water Conditioner

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Gram Envosolution - Reverse Osmosis

Water Softening Plant

Water softeners are specific ion exchangers that are designed to remove ions, mainly positively charged calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+) ions. A water softener collects hardness minerals within its conditioning tank and from time to time flushes them away. Softeners are also able to remove up to 5 ppm (mg/L) of clear water (dissolved) iron.

Process: The water enters the house and passes through a bed of small plastic resin beads. The resin beads are covered with salt ions. As the water flows past the salt ions, they are exchanged with the calcium and magnesium ions. Eventually, the resin beads contain nothing but calcium and magnesium and no longer soften the water. Then it is time to regenerate the resin beads.

Salient Features of Softening Plant

  • Effective Removal of HARDNESS
  • Effective Regeneration and Backwash System
  • Selection of Appropriate Exchange Media
  • High quality softener resin provides stability and uniform size for top
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